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At Yeading Infant and Nursery school Personal, Health and Social Education underpins all that we do. We aim to support children in leading healthy, independent, responsible and fulfilled lives. We support and create opportunities for children to be part of a society that celebrates individuality, collaboration and nurtures equality. We encourage children to learn about the positive benefits of a healthy lifestyle through exercise and diet, developing healthy relationships and contributing to the wider school community and beyond, in preparation for living in the wider world. This incorporates the PSHE programme of study and the three main areas, Health and Well-being, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.

At Yeading Infant school we teach PSHE in a variety of ways including as a discrete subject, through assemblies, Philosophy for Children (P4C) lessons, visitors to school, safeguarding, Circle time and in other whole school initiatives like Growth Mindsets. We integrate PSHE in our core and foundation subjects and through the use of school resources like the cooking room, YINs café and our Forest School Area. We also link PSHE to learning about the 5Rs and the British Values Curriculum. Regular training ensures staff are kept abreast of safeguarding updates and the well-being, behaviour and safety of all children is monitored in the ongoing work carried out by the Learning Mentor.

We pride ourselves in nurturing an ethos of aspiration with a vibrant learning environment and encourage children to actively take part in providing suggestions and points of view through Y- Team (School Council) and Eco Team Meetings. We believe that the manners, attitudes and behaviour of the children at our school is a real asset. At Yeading Infants, we are proud of the many positive comments received from stakeholders including parents, governors and visitors, who highlight the friendly and helpful atmosphere in our school.